Here in Winslow students in the 8th grade may take a modern language exploratory course as an elective offering. Students in grades 9-12 may take the following:  (click on each course to view a drop down highlighting key content in the course)


Spanish I

Spanish 1 is an introductory course for students who have never studied the language or who have had less than one year of continuous study.  The five key areas of language learning will be introduced: speaking, listening, writing, reading and culture that are necessary for basic communication in Spanish.  Also, students will gain a basic understanding of the contemporary life and culture of Spanish speaking countries in the world.

Spanish II

In Spanish 2, the student will review and build upon the basic skills developed in Spanish 1.  Continued emphasis will be given to oral proficiency as the past, future and conditional tenses are introduced.  Various speaking activities and projects will focus on culturally authentic activities, customs, and traditions. Creativity will be encouraged as students write and perform skits and role-plays.

Spanish III

Spanish 3 will thoroughly review all previous grammar work; some advanced grammar work will also be done.  The major emphasis, however, will be increasing proficiency in conversation, writing and reading.  A wide variety of culturally authentic materials including short stories, song lyrics and tales will encourage increased comprehension skills.  Time will also be spent on the rich history and culture of Mexico.

Spanish IV

In Spanish 4, students will gain advanced proficiency in the five basic areas of language study.  A brief survey of Spain’s history and geography will provide the background for the reading of several Spanish literary works.  Students will also gain awareness of the cultural, political and economic importance of Latin America. They will be encouraged to discuss current events in the target language and attain a comfortable level of spoken proficiency.

Spanish V

Spanish 5 is a course designed to have the student delve into Spanish & Latin American authors through poems, short stories and synoptic versions of literary masterpieces.  In addition, advanced grammatical concepts will be taught and applied. The class will be conducted entirely in the target language as a literature course with a minor emphasis on grammar.

Spanish Immersion

This one semester course fully immerses the student in the Spanish language.  Although the focus of the course is on speaking and reading, writing will be minimally incorporated.  The entire course (except the first day when grading and class procedures will be outlined in English) will be conducted in Spanish.  Students may take this course the first or second semester or both.  Spanish Immersion is highly recommended to any student who intends on taking a trip abroad.  It will, however, rapidly and dramatically improve speaking ability in Spanish for anyone.

*May be taken up to 3 semesters.


French I

French 1 is an introductory course for students who have never studied the language or who have had less than one continuous year of study.  The course provides a basic foundation in the skills of listening, speaking, reading, and writing through a study of the words and the culture of the French people.  The course helps the students to become aware of the origin, function and power of both English and French words while appreciating people and customs different from their own.

French II

French 2 is a course for students who have a firm foundation in the introductory material of the language. Students will review elementary grammar before beginning the study of more complex structures.  Short selections of French culture will be read and discussed in French at the students’ level.  Through individual and class projects on the customs and the traditions of the French speaking world, students will become aware of both the differences and similarities that exist among the people of the world.

French III

French 3 is a course for students who wish to acquire further confidence in using the language by reviewing its structures and vocabulary as a basis for further reading, writing and discussion in the French language. Selections will be chosen from the French classics as well as contemporary fiction and non-fiction.

French IV

French 4 is a course designed for students who wish to read and discuss novels, plays, and contemporary events.  The five areas of language learning will continue to be explored on a more advanced level with emphasis on those areas required for the students’ future plans.  Through continued study of both the culture and the language itself, students will become aware of the power of words in the interdependence of the world community.

French V

French 5 will continue the emphasis of French 4 with a concentration in Twentieth Century Francophone Literature and Civilization.