Title I
Winslow Elementary School receives Title 1A funding in support of literacy and math interventions and reinforcement for students in grades K-6. With this funding, we are able to support a team of professionals to work specifically with students in the areas of reading and math. This team offers a broad spectrum of support for all students within our literacy and math programs. The Title 1 team and all teachers at Winslow Elementary School work together to offer students the help they need to become successful readers and math thinkers.
In the fall of 2019, Winslow Elementary School's Title 1A program transitioned from being a “Target Assisted” program to a “School Wide” program. This change means that Title 1A funding can be used to support all students at Winslow Elementary School in the areas of reading and math, not just a select few students who meet qualification standards. While students receive various kinds of support through the Title 1A programming, so do our teachers. Our Literacy Specialist and Math Specialist offer coaching to classroom teachers and work closely with the administration to develop a range of supports for use in and out of the classrooms. We have teachers who assist with whole class support as well as interventions for individual or small groups of students. Our Title IA specialists determine what additional support is most applicable to each student based on school wide, grade level, and individual classroom reading and math assessment results. Students may receive support in the classroom or in a different setting. The intervention can be short term and/or more intensive with students getting supplemental lessons up to five times a week. These intervening lessons usually last for 30 minutes or less. Parents of students who are receiving intensive small group or one-on-one support in reading and/or math will be notified with a private letter. The parents of other students who might be receiving short term support should also receive a letter or have some communication from the student's classroom teacher or one of our Title IA specialists.

If you missed this year's Title 1A Information Night (scheduled on October 23rd 2024 at 5:30 pm at Winslow Elementary School) then please feel free to review the slideshow presentation. Reach out to one of our Title I staff if you have any questions.
Meet Our Title I Team
Andrea Bragdon
Literacy Specialist
Keith Martin
Math Specialist
Kristen Day
Title 1A Ed Tech III
Sheldon Eames
Title 1A Ed Tech III
Janie Pelletier
Title 1A Ed Tech III
Kasey Toivola
Title 1A Ed Tech III