Educator Performance Evaluation and Professional Growth System
The Educator Performance Evaluation and Professional Growth system is based on the belief that the primary goal of the model is to support meaningful professional development.
Winslow Public Schools is committed to providing all students with quality educational experiences in academically, physically, socially and emotionally safe settings. For each student to succeed, all staff members must work to continually improve their professional competence and collegiality. This dual focus on individual and collegial professionalism provides a strong system of support for each student’s achievement and growth.
The standards upon which this system is based are designed to improve professional knowledge and skills in order to raise student achievement, serving to support both professional development and performance evaluation.

"Marzano Refresher"
If you are a Winslow Public Schools teacher and would like to get together monthly and "brush up" on the effective teaching strategies posed in the Marzano Effective Teacher Framework, then please reach out and sign up with the Curriculum Coordinator.
All teachers who are new to the district will be provided with a district orientation that includes an overview of the Marzano Framework (see diagram of Learning Map below) and an explanation of how the Teacher Evaluation and Professional Growth System works. Professional development for all teachers to support deeper understanding of the Marzano Framework and assistance with the steps involved in the evaluation and professional growth process will be provided throughout the year at the building level. While the format for this professional development may vary from school to school, options for this support include professional learning communities, peer support, inservice time allocated for this purpose, one-on-one coaching and conversation with school leaders, access to resources through iObservation or suggested texts, etc.