
Grade 6

Sixth grade common texts include Cricket in Times Square and A Place in the Sun. Students will be guided through the research process in conjunction with social studies and media center support. Sixth grade marks the move from opinion to argument writing, along with continued work in the narrative and informative/explanatory genres. Students will spend time polishing up their oral presentation skills. In addition to learning new vocabulary associated with reading units, sixth graders will still be provided with ongoing spelling instruction. Independent reading and attention to conventions will occur throughout the year.

Grade 7

Grade 7 organizes the year according to three themes: Coming of Age; Survival; and Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow. These three thematic units integrate informational text and literature. There are a number of short stories that serve as common anchor texts for students, in addition to A Day No Pigs Would Die and Out of the Dust. Each of the three thematic reading units is paired with a specific writing genre. Students will continue to practice research and presentation skills. Attention to vocabulary will occur through the context of the reading units, and will be supplemented by use of a common vocabulary program. Independent reading and attention to conventions will occur throughout the year.

Grade 8

Like the grade 7 curriculum, grade 8 curriculum is organized thematically. Through the lenses of Identity, Times of Change, and Struggle, students will develop their ability to comprehend both informational text and literature. Common texts for grade 8 include Speak, Warriors Don't Cry, and Nothing But the Truth. Each reading unit is paired with a specific writing genre, and students will be provided with support as they conduct individual research projects. As with seventh grade, context-based vocabulary instruction will be supplemented with a common vocabulary program. Independent reading and attention to conventions will occur throughout the year.